Planting for Bees
Planting for Bees
Planting for Bees
Providing nourishment for the busy little super-pollinators but nurturing and cultivating an environment that supports biodiversity and sustainability
Bees use scent to find flowers from afar and choose sweetly scented nectar-rich plants.
It is beneficial to plant a variety of flowers in large groups of similar flowers, if possible, rather than one or two here and there.
Herbs & Crops:
Lavender (English or Stoechas), lucerne, borage, sage, rosemary, beans and peas, mints, basil, granadilla, citrus, thyme, sunflowers, and dill.
Pansies and violas, Cape Forget-me-not, Campanula, Nemesia, Portulaca, Lobularia, Poppies, Calendula, Cosmos, Primula, Hollyhock, and Nasturtiums
Agapanthus, Blue Sage, Ostoespermum, Scabiosa, Barleria, Strelitzia, Arums, Watsinia, Echinacea, Bulbinella, Kniphofia, and Vygies
Felicia, Hypoestes, Buddleia, Plectranthus, Hebe, Buchu, Euryops, Erica, Hibiscus, Polygala, Protea, Crassula, Aloe, Leonotus, and Bottlebrush
Forest Elder, Lavender tree, Wild Pear, Wild Laburnum, Tree Fuchsia, Gwarrie, Coral Tree, Bush Cherry, Searsia spp., and Vachelli spp., Crap apple, and all fruit trees