Spinach: Swiss Chard Lucullus Heirloom Seeds
A prolific variety which produces wonderful, heavily crumpled green leaves with white mid-rib and veins
South African Favourite.
Plant type: Annual
When to plant: All year round
Planting Position: Full Sun, afternoon shade in hotter weather
How to Sow: In seed trays or directly into beds
Sowing depth: <FNC2> cm
Cover Seeds: Lightly
Germination Temperature: +10°
Germination: 8 - 12 days
Space Between Plants: +40 cm
Plant height: +50cm
Ease of growth: Easy
Growth Type: Directly into the soil
Companions: Beans, Cabbage & Celery.
+ 40 seeds Heirloom- Non-GMO
- Shipping Local National International